Thursday, March 25, 2010

6 months

Yesterday was Madelyn's 6 month birthday! I made some cupcakes to celebrate, and I couldn't help it, I let her try some. She, of course, loved it!

She is doing pretty good with solids. She pretty much likes everything so far. I am going to slow down on them for a while though, cause it is giving her some tummy issues. Poor baby.

She has rolled over from her tummy to back several times now, and even rolled from her back to her tummy the other day while trying to grab Rocky. The dogs are pretty good with Madelyn. They love it when we are all on the floor playing together. Maggie takes that as her time to bring her toys to me or Madelyn hoping we will throw them. Madelyn of course doesn't understand this game. Instead, she tries to take Maggie's toys and then Maggie tries to play tug of war with her. Rocky is constantly putting himself in the line of fire by sitting a little to close to Madelyn's reach. She grabs his hair or legs and doesn't let go. He has yelped a few times, but doesn't seem to mind as long as he is getting attention.

Madelyn is also starting to babble a lot more. She is such a happy baby. She will hang out in her crib or on the floor and talk to herself for quite a while. I love listening to her talk to herself. It is the best sound in the world!

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